Mom Shaming: Combating the Stigma in Modern Parenting

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Mom shaming is a term that encompasses the critical and unsolicited judgments passed on mothers for their parenting choices.

With the rise of social media, mom shaming has found a new and expansive platform, allowing for such criticisms to echo far beyond the traditional boundaries of personal networks.

The implications of mom shaming are not just superficial social media interactions; they have deeper psychological effects that can influence a mother’s sense of efficacy and identity.

Understanding Mom Shaming

Mom Shaming

Mom shaming refers to the act of critiquing or deriding a mother for her parenting choices. This negative judgment can come from family, friends, or even strangers, often through comments or gestures that imply a mother’s decisions are inferior or wrong.

Historically, the societal expectations of motherhood have evolved, but the propensity to judge mothers harshly for perceived missteps has been a consistent pressure.

In modern times, with the advent of social media and other digital platforms, mom shaming has found new venues for expression, exacerbating feelings of insecurity among mothers who are publicly called into question.

The practice of mom shaming often reflects underlying societal prejudices and can lead to significant emotional distress. The experiences of being judged and criticized can erode a mother’s confidence in her parenting abilities and contribute to a sense of isolation.

It is imperative to recognize the consequences of mom shaming as they relate not only to a mother’s well-being but also to her ability to parent effectively without being burdened by external judgment and undue criticism.

Common Areas of Critique

In society’s eyes, a mother’s choices are often subject to public scrutiny. From how she feeds her children to how she disciplines them, societal norms and expectations can lead to critique and shaming.

Child Feeding Choices

Mothers commonly face criticism regarding breastfeeding and bottle-feeding

While breastfeeding is advocated for its health benefits, mothers who choose to or must bottle-feed often encounter negative remarks

Breastfeeding moms may be shamed for nursing in public, while those who use formula may be judged for not providing “natural” nourishment.

On the other hand, the timing and type of solid foods introduced to a baby’s diet can also be a source of judgment. Some mothers are criticized for starting solids too early, while others face scrutiny for waiting too long.

Sleep Training

Sleep Training

In the sleep training area, co-sleeping mothers might be accused of fostering dependency, while those who opt for cribs may be judged for not being sufficiently close to their infants.

Methods like the “cry it out” approach can lead to harsh criticism from those who believe it causes emotional harm, while parents who avoid sleep training might be judged for not promoting independence.

Child Discipline Methods

Discipline strategies can attract unsolicited advice and censure. Parents who opt for time-outs may be told they’re too harsh, while those favoring gentle discipline might be labeled overindulgent. 

Public incidents especially magnify these critiques, placing pressure on mothers to conform to differing standards.

Mother’s Appearance and Behavior

Mothers frequently confront commentary on their dress and postpartum body, suggesting a societal expectation to swiftly return to pre-pregnancy appearance. 

Additionally, mothers who display any stress or frustration in public are often judged, implying that they should maintain a composed demeanor at all times.

Work and Childcare Decisions

The decision to go back to work and the associated childcare decisions remain contentious. 

Stay-at-home mothers may be accused of not contributing financially while working mothers might be shamed for not being present. 

Moreover, mothers who take time for themselves can be shamed for being selfish or neglectful of their children’s needs.

Psychological Effects on Mothers

Psychological Effects on Mothers

Mom shaming, the act of criticizing or degrading a mother for her parenting choices, can have significant psychological effects on mothers.

It often leads to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt in their parenting abilities. Here are some of the most relevant effects on mothers:

Psychological EffectsDescription
Negative EmotionsMothers may experience a variety of negative emotions such as guilt, shame, and anxiety.

These emotions can stem from a perceived discrepancy between her actual parenting methods and the societal ideals of motherhood.

A study discusses how emotional consequences of self-discrepancy can influence a mother’s feelings, potentially leading to shame experiences.
Mental Health IssuesThe pressure to meet perfectionist standards of motherhood can contribute to mental health issues, including depression and anxiety, particularly when these standards are internalized.
Guilt around BreastfeedingAnother facet of mom shaming revolves around breastfeeding, where advocacy can sometimes culminate in maternal guilt, highlighting the complexity of shame in motherhood.

Understanding the consequences of mom shaming is crucial for developing supportive networks and resources for mothers to help mitigate these psychological stressors.

Impact on Family Dynamics

The phenomenon of mom shaming can strain the fabric of family unity, influencing both the marital relationship and the children’s views on motherhood.

Spousal Relationships

Impact on Family Dynamics

When a mother faces criticism for her parenting choices, it can create tension between spouses.

The husband or partner might feel compelled to defend their spouse’s parenting decisions or disagree with them, leading to potential conflicts. The tension might manifest in several ways:

  • Arguments over parenting styles and decisions
  • Decreased communication and intimacy
  • Stress contributing to emotional distance or resentment

Research indicates that social support, particularly from spouses, can significantly impact how mothers experience and cope with mom shaming.

The presence of a supportive husband shows a correlation with reduced anxiety in mothers who have faced judgment or criticism over their parenting choices.

Children’s Perception of Motherhood

Children observing mom shaming, whether within the family or from external sources, can develop a skewed vision of motherhood and parenting. Key impacts include:

  • Modeling behavior: Children might learn to question and criticize motherhood and parenting decisions.
  • Emotional impact: Witnessing their mother being criticized can cause children to experience confusion, stress, or insecurity.

It is critical to consider how mom shaming can inadvertently teach children to perpetuate judgment or harbor negative perceptions of family roles.

Responding to Mom Shaming

When mothers face criticism about their parenting choices, from breastfeeding to using a pacifier, a tailored approach to responding can help maintain their well-being.

Strategies for Handling Criticism

Mothers can address mom-shaming by firmly reiterating their parenting choices and the reasoning behind them. 

For instance, when faced with criticism over the decision to breastfeed in public, a mother might explain the benefits it provides to her child. 

It’s important for mothers to remember their rights and the well-researched advantages of their parenting decisions. 

Additionally, mothers should prioritize self-care to mitigate the stress that can come from such criticism, ensuring they are mentally and physically ready to advocate for their parenting choices.

Developing a Support Network

Support Network

Building a robust network is crucial. Mothers may seek out local parenting groups or online communities where they can share experiences and receive support from others who understand their situation. 

For example, a mother using a pacifier to soothe her child might connect with other parents who have made similar choices, thus reinforcing that she’s not alone and her decisions are valid.

Cultivating a Sense of Humor and Resilience

Maintaining a sense of humor can be a powerful tool in deflecting unwarranted shame. Laughing off baseless criticisms and finding levity in parenting can bolster a mother’s resilience against mom shaming. 

It helps mothers keep a light-hearted perspective, which can be particularly strengthened when faced with the inevitable challenges of parenting.

Therapists Specializing in Family Conflict

When to Seek Professional Help?

Experiencing mom shaming can be damaging to a mother’s mental health. Professional help should be considered if she notices the following signs:

  • Persistent Sadness or Anxiety: If feelings of sadness or anxiety are constant and interfere with daily life, professional counseling may be beneficial.
  • Isolation: A tendency to withdraw from loved ones or social activities might indicate the need for support.
  • Intense Guilt: When guilt over parenting decisions or actions becomes overwhelming, seeking help can provide relief.
  • Difficulty Bonding with the Child: Struggling to form a close emotional bond might suggest underlying issues that a professional can address.

Professionals can offer coping strategies for dealing with mom shaming and its effects. They provide a safe space to talk and develop strategies to manage feelings of shame.

Searching for professionals in online therapist directories, such as, can help connect mothers with licensed therapists.

However, for mothers who prefer to be automatically matched with a therapist, BetterHelp, the world’s largest online therapy service, could be the best choice.

It’s essential for mothers to understand that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Early intervention can prevent the escalation of symptoms and improve overall well-being.


Happy mom

It is essential to acknowledge the broader societal factors that contribute to mom-shaming, including prevailing stereotypes and the often unrealistic expectations placed upon mothers. These external pressures can lead to feelings of guilt and shame which have profound implications for maternal well-being.

In addressing these issues, communities and institutions must create environments that foster respect and understanding of the diverse experiences of motherhood. Comprehensively supporting mothers contributes to healthier families and, by extension, healthier societies.


Dawenan, F. N., & Shanti, P. (2022). The Correlation Between Husbands’ Social Support and Anxiety in Mothers Who Have Experienced Mom-Shaming in Malang City. KnE Social Sciences, 109-124. Link.

Sutherland, J. A. (2010). Mothering, guilt and shame. Sociology Compass4(5), 310-321. Link.

Taylor, E. N., & Wallace, L. E. (2012). For shame: Feminism, breastfeeding advocacy, and maternal guilt. Hypatia27(1), 76-98. Link.

Türe, D. (2021). Mother-Shaming Memories: The Role of Maternal Self-Discrepancy on Negative Emotions and Shaming Experiences of Mothers. Link.

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About the author

Eliana Galindo
Eliana is a dedicated psychologist from Colombia who has gained extensive experience and made significant contributions in child development, clinical psychology, and rehabilitation psychology. Her work as a rehabilitation psychologist with disabled children has been transformative and compassionate. In the child development field, she creates nurturing environments through assessments, interventions, and collaboration with families. In clinical psychology, she supports individuals overcoming mental health challenges with empathy and evidence-based approaches. Inspired by her experiences, Eliana is motivated to write about mental health, aiming to raise awareness and advocate for a compassionate and inclusive approach to well-being.

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