ADHD Therapy for Adults: MBCT, CBT, and More
Discover effective ADHD therapy for adults. Find strategies, support, and treatment options to manage symptoms and improve daily functioning.
Depression, Anxiety, Couples counseling.
Certified Mental Health First Aider.
National Organization of Nurses and Midwives, Good clinical practice.
Ruth Holla is a dedicated Malawian Public Health Specialist with extensive experience in nursing, research, and public health. Her career revolves around improving well-being, particularly through mental health advocacy.
As a Nursing Officer, Ruth provides compassionate patient care, implementing evidence-based practices and emphasizing a holistic approach.
As a Research Registered Nurse, she conducts groundbreaking studies on mental health and social determinants, addressing community stigma. As a Public Health Specialist, she coordinates HIV and mental health programs, targeting vulnerable populations and forging partnerships to reduce disparities.
Ruth Holla is a passionate Malawian Public Health Specialist. Her career is centered around improving the well-being of individuals and communities, particularly in mental health advocacy.
As a Nursing Officer, Ruth Holla has provided compassionate care and support to patients in various clinical settings, including those with mental health conditions. Through her deep understanding of mental health challenges, she implements evidence-based practices and interventions to enhance patient outcomes. She emphasizes a holistic approach to nursing, promoting mental health promotion, early intervention, and comprehensive patient education.
Transitioning into the role of a Research Registered Nurse, Ruth conducted groundbreaking studies on the underlying factors contributing to mental health and its impact on critical decision-making. Her research focused on social determinants influencing mental health outcomes among
key populations, such as female sex workers participating in clinical trials, and examined community stigma associated with trial participation.
Expanding her profession as a Public Health Specialist, Ruth coordinated and implemented comprehensive HIV and mental health programs at local and national levels. Her initiatives targeted vulnerable populations, including the LGBTI community, and emphasized early detection, community engagement, and policy advocacy to address systemic issues impacting mental health.
She forged partnerships with government agencies, community organizations, and healthcare providers to promote mental health awareness, reduce disparities, and improve outcomes across diverse communities.
Ruth’s commitment to public health and mental wellness is evident in her tireless efforts to educate and support others through her writing on mental health and well-being. She recognizes mental health as a universal aspect of human well-being and seeks to raise awareness, reduce
stigma, and promote understanding for individuals, families, and communities.
Master’s degree in Public Health, University of Malawi.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Midwifery, University of Malawi.
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